What about Sunday?
Today, I did nothing all morning which reminded me a lot of yesterday when I also did nothing. I watched a new show that I garnered from the internet call the IT Crowd. Basically, its funny and if you can download it, do it. Decided I should do something today in the sun, so I went for a walk. It was -25C with a windchill that made it more like -30something. The following are some pictures. The trail is about 8km. By the end of it my hair was frozen - I should have taken a picture of that I guess. Now I'm tired and hungry.
The pictures are, as always, bee-eee-ay-yoooo-tiful.
-A Fan.
5:14 PM
There's a new cold virus going around called the Cox Saki - Something related to something. Not sure if it can survie up there...but my girlfriend caught it, and I call it the COCK SUCKING virus...it just sounds too similar.
Going to have a lot of videos and music headed yoru way once this freakign series finishes downloading...it's at 99.91% WTF is that?
7:26 PM
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