More like Brokeride.
It is Spring. All the snow is pretty much gone... it only took about 2 weeks for that to happen. Its still not too warm, but i am not expecting +30C any time soon. About +6C today.... down to -1 last night. There is an incredible amount of sunlight up here.... it doesn't seem to rain much (rained for 10 minutes on friday night) or even cloud over often.
So last week went and this week will go. Work contuinues to be relatively interesting... enough that I am ok with getting up for it. I applied for the city to pay for me to do a distance ed masters program. I have to get my manager to sign off on it, then the HR departmnet, then the S.A.O (senior administrative officer).... I am worth 16,000CAD, right? I figure its either they pay for it or I leave sooner rather than later.
Friday was fun. I went to a housewarming party all on my own, and met a bunch of random people who were more or less my age. I actually knew some through work, thus the invite. After that party was the bar... which closed at some point. Then it was to some place called the 'Boom House'. Basically some random house with a basement full of random drums, guitars, amps, drunks, and stoners. So, basically everything required in the making of a good time.
I met some guy who works in Iqaluit. He was really happy to be in Yellowknife - the centre of the northern universe.
I got home from friday night on saturday morning at about 5am. Apparently the sun comes up around 4:15am. Making for some loooooong days. It feels like 3pm right now, even though its coming on 6:30. At 12pm last night I was coming home from somewhere and there was still a glow on the horizon... made it feel a lot earlier than 12. So bedtime just gets later and later. And now I know i have to move because the kids living above me were up at 8am running around screaming and doing their best to wake me up. An example of an incompatible land use is me and noisy kids.
All this light makes me feel like i should be outside. So, I went for a long bikeride today which turned into a short one when my chain snapped (thus the brokeride joke... get it?). With some luck and much skill I managed to repair it enough to slowly get on my merry way. But this means I probably have to change my gearset now too.... thats no fun.
So here are some pictures from Sat night. I went to the Pilots Monument to watch the sunset because I could. Have at 'em.
I think this has been my favourite writeup so far...can you do anything to remove the word verification commentors need to respond to in order to comment?
5:32 AM
He could turn it off (It is user-configurable), but why would he?
Would you rather his site be induated with wonderful spam?
Measures like this to essentially make the cost of spamming [this blog] too high for potential spammers. This allows blogging services like to this to dedicate more storage, bandwidth and engineering resources to their users instead of spammers. This is a much better solution than having to resort to content moderation.
So far, I'd say Ben has been lucky he hasn't gotten much spam, especially since he allowing for anonymous comments.
3:23 PM
paige here. max just linked me your blog page cause i have a very dorkus addiction to these things lately......the boredom of a 9 to 5 will do that. your pictures are beautiful and the bit about the objects in your house which keep you sane was totally funny. thanks for the 2:30pm thursday afternoon entertainment!
12:36 PM
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