Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

How soon can I retire?

31 years, 6 months, 1 week. So, to ensure that I last that long I am pretty sure that every week needs to include only 4 work days. Its the number 5 that is the killer. I will test this hypothesis when I go back to work tomorrow, the first of 5 days in a row after two 4-day work weeks.

How was my 4-day work week you may wonder? Well, short and I did some after work public meetings which meant me sitting there with co-workers waiting for the public to not show up for 3 hours so we can go home. To be fair we did have a few people drop in, but I am pretty sure they were just in the wrong place and we looked so forlorn at having no audience to talk about zoning to that they couldnt just leave.

Friday was boring excepting the hockey game. Go Sens. There are a lot of leaf fans at work. I like laughing at them. Sens had better not tank again.

Saturday was ok. Drank some beer and went to the gold range. That place is pretty trippy... anyone who visits should make sure I take them there.

Today I went on a tour in the afternoon. It was +5C so nice and melting warm. Another month and it should be dry enough to start mountain biking I hope (not that we have mountains, maybe i should call it hill cycling).... it should be amazing.

Other things of coolness:
1. It gets dark here at around 10pm or a bit later and light earlier than i care to find out.
2. I had a nothern moment: I was walking to the bar on saturday night at 11:30 and there was still a blue glow on the horizon as though the sun had not quite decided to set, the northern lights were flickering in the sky overhead strong enough to see in town, and there were 5 drunks sprawled out in the road, some on their backs, laughing and shouting at each other.
3. Its finally Spring.
4. The turn in weather seems to make all the social dichotomies in this city more apparent - the rednecks and the environmentalists; the locals and the "even more" northerners; people who love the city and people hate the city; and, the people who work and the people who sit around drinking sherry and pissing in alleys (guess which one I am).

Here are some pictures.


Blogger Jason said...

When are you going to have your cheeseburger picnic?

11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to invite some MILFs to public meetings. At the very least, they will make the meetings less boring for everyone else.

12:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in Guelph, there's a by-law against urinating in public. They're everywhere, but ours seems to have gotten us the most ill repute.

I saw Yellowknife on the news this evening. It looks like spring has arrived!

4:07 PM


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