Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween comes early in the north.

Work parties have their moments.... this Halloween had a shot contest between a couple Directors sitting a few tables away and Mark and I. Funny at the time to us and still pretty humorous was when the mayor became a bystander casualty of one our shot salvos. Another moment was when I won best costume for $100. That money went pretty quick.

Anyway, heres some pictures of the winning costume. And here is a link to my retarded roomate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to be from Guelph (or possibly Hamilton) and even better from Guelph AND be Catholic to truly appreciate the antics of the Church of the Universe.

I grew up when Mike and the Rev. Wally were king - the $1, the candidacy in every election and the all-candidates meetings, the run-ins almost makes me the slightest bit nostalgic about my old life.

And you and your fleeting memory - lest you forget that hard-pumping, chest-hurting base we gave up on four songs into the night that fateful October evening one year ago...

6:25 AM

Blogger Scott said...

hey, nice blog. It's good to find other northerners sharing their experiences. We'll be back.

happy halloween

11:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:09 PM


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