Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Some of you may wonder if i still look the same. Yes, I pretty much do. Yo ucan chalk the redness up to cold. Somehow my self-portraits always turn out better when Im not in the frame... go figure.


Blogger A. Rae said...

Parkas are gifts from God, sewn by angels.

How cold is it there, in Fahrenheit? (I'm not smart enough to translate from celsius). It's been pretty mild this winter in North Dakota. Usually it's horribly biting cold here, so cold that my leather seats crack in my car.

Your pictures are great! Keep them coming.

9:40 PM

Blogger NorthofYou said...

Was -15 C today and -25 C with windhchill... works out to 5 F and -13 F respectively.

Its usually much colder i think. coldest day ive experienced was -49 F, or -45C.

10:18 PM

Blogger A. Rae said...

That's probably what it gets like here. Like I said, usually it's colder, but today it was...seventeen above (F). Warm!

11:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's that growth on your face? Oh I'm sorry, it's your nose.

How'd you explain "milf" to your mother?

8:07 AM

Blogger NorthofYou said...

What's that growth on your neck? Oh I'm sorry, it's your fat head.

1:47 PM


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