Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

What about the bar?

Yes, I will get to the bar in a moment. First, I would like to thank those who posted random comments on this site - that is cool.

Second, what did I do this week at work? I did piles of mapping analysis, which is (again) cool kind of - slope, aspect, elevation, graduated displays and even some 3d stuff. Then I made road patterns.... yeah, that was a retarded exercise. I can't even begin to count the iterations I will have to go through in any subdivision design I make.

Third, on to the bars (well, really just one bar). I went on friday to boston pizza for dinner, beer and a hockey game.... I was not dissapointed. They have all of those things here as well as wherever in the south you are. It is somewhat depressing asking for a table for 'one' - even if you do specify that you are 'very cool'. This place didn't count as a bar as all I did was ate and watched tv there.

Tonight I went to the Gold Range at around 9:30 local time -a real bar. The windows, where they exist, are covered with black curtains and the door is heavy. I sucked up my trepidation and upon entering was greeted by an excellent rock band on a stage. The crowd was definitely of an older, drunker sort. Taking all this in I then proceeded to the bar. Canadian beer in hand I sat down at a ratty table and rattier chair - I was younger than all of the furniture in this place. Also cool about this place were all the handlebar moustaches - I counted 5. Tag teaming these archaic moustache relics were the mullets - and whether they were accidental or intentional - they were all over. I felt kind of out of place, lacking the 'party in the back'.

Also observed were a bunch of guys wearing snowmobile jackets. These jackets happened to coincide with a lack of necks - apparently, you don't mess with the guys with those jackets. There were also many a regular barfly to be found. This one native would walk by me, slap my arm and yell "Ho!", so I would return "Hey!' - we got along well. The theme of the night was this one guy who stumbled in at about 10pm and promtly was escorted out the back door- too much to drink you see. He tried to come in the front door 5 times in the next hour and was laughably bounced each time.

I also saw a guy in plaid pajama pants, people dancing with handlebar mustaches and mullets, t-shirts tucked into jeans riding higher than I've ever seen, and many a drunken patron.

Doesn't that sound like fun?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you forgot to mention all the hot chikcs.

8:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pick up some nice milfs?

7:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben keep the posings up!

4:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben: what's a milf? and why can't your bloggers spell? love,mom.

8:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like you're in Yellowknife.....It sounds like you're in Owen Sound! Are you sure that bar wasn't called Jason's Pub?????


9:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:38 PM


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