Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Why not post more often?

Basically it comes down to the huge lazy factor and I really don't want to type about my work week unless something cool happens. The day to day details of my job are entirely too exciting for me too rehash every evening, plus I'd have to kill you - so use your imagination and picture me in an office in a building working at a desk with maps, scales, and a computer planning all things Yellowknife everyday of the work week.

However I have purchased a controlling interest in some snowshoes and ski poles. Tomorrow evening you can look forward to some more touring photos. The last trek I went on was on an extablished walking trail. However, I didn't move north to walk on tame and circumscribed trails - I came to forge ahead on my own path (in some sense). So I will be driving to some godforsaken place and heading in some random direction for a sunday event. Hopefully I see some bison. Remind me to bring a compass.

As for work: well... work is work and gets better somedays and worse others. It looks like by virtue of my limited experience and comparable expertise (to my coworkers) in GIS I will be for some reason working on a realtime RFID (radio frequency....) setup to track emergency vehicles in and around the City. How this is planning related I'm not too sure. I am sure that its somewhere outside the bounds of my job description - but what the Hell, I'm game. Its amazing what they pay me to do.

Speaking of pay - something I am coming to understand about living here is that while yes, you do receive a northern allowance and most jobs pay more than the south, you also receive northern bills which like their southern cousins cost money but are on an order of 25% larger in general. Baiscally this means that that pink caddy convertable I had on order, the one with the dice on the mirror, yeah I had to get a raincheck. Long live the bling.


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