Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

What's up?

Not much, it's snowing.

Last night I drove out onto the Great Slave Lake to see the Northern Lights with one of the new people at work - I don't know why I didn't do this before. All sorts of colours: red, green, yellow, a little blue even. I would post a picture but my camera can't capture them - you need some more serious photo gear than I have. They actually do dance and are entirely indescribable. You could just stand and watch them for hours if it wasn't so flippin cold. The effect is sort of like what happens when you stare into a bonfire long enough - sort of a trancelike experience. As soon as you get into the light pollution of the city you cant see the northern lights at all. They are fragile in that respect.

After driving somewhat randomly onto the lake, I took the ice road that leads to Dettah (a small community across the Bay) back from my adventure with the lights. You hear the words "ice road" and it conjures images of an icy road. But until you actually drive on it and see the black depths underlying your tires, it doesn't really sink in that you are driving on ice over deep cold water. To stand and listen to the ice cracking as cars drive on it is also an interesting experience... the entire surface ripples as a car passes. You could skate on the stuff they keep it so well plowed. World's longest hockey game anyone?

I don't know what I am going to do this weekend. Saturday is half over and all I've done is eat breakfast and drink too much coffee. Maybe its about time for a haircut - my hair has begun to freeze on the walk to work... doesnt have time to dry in the morning. Maybe that will be my exciting mission for this afternoon. I'll have to be careful not to overstimulate myself.


Blogger Jason said...

haha, you are drinking coffee again?

3:34 PM

Blogger NorthofYou said...

And liking it.

5:28 PM


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