Do you miss anything from 'tha south' yet?
In short, yes. Today I went to a conference/forum put on by CMHC (look it up all you non-planners) on housing in Yellowknife and providing solutions to barriers to affordability. Was interesting as this was my first conference not as a student... Funny thing is that even given my remote location it was a same shit different pile of the usual problems save for the land supply/claims issue. Oh yeah, and I actually said something...intelligible.
To get back to my original self-directed question (you can answer it, but i was posing it to myself) I miss twooney tuesdays (cheap drinks are $4.50 here per bottle of beer); freshest of fresh produce (everything comes on plane or truck and deliveries only come once every few weeks it seems - I get tired of wisened mushrooms and rotted peppers); cheap everything (no monopolies on markets - its barely a free market situation up here at times); variety (of everything); cheap(er) jamesons; patios (no patios here, sigh); spring (wonder if we ever get it); bigger than 20,000 people in it Cities; more than 1 city (there's no driving an hour to Toronto from here); chillin' with my homies; and mostly, not working while living the life of a student.
Random news: I read in the paper that J-Roc from trailer park boys was in town teaching grade 8 kids to rap. This made me laugh. I wonder if they used the f-bomb. If I had young kids that's definitely the sort of rold model/tv character I'd want teaching them.
Change in topic: I was talking with someone when I went out last saturday and they were from ontario... somewhere near ottawa... and we were standing outside waiting for someone to go home to get keys so that they could unlock their car, retreive their other keys and get our jackets. So, it was cold and we had been imbibing and some local cougars came over and asked us where we were from. We told them Ontario. They said "[CraZy laugh], we knew it was either Ontario or Newfoudland. " We asked why they knew this. They said "Because of your smiles." I didn't know this, nor do I corroborate on the issue, but apparently people from Ontario tend to grin like jackals. Maybe when we've had a few? Or. maybe they were crazy and this other guy and I were grimacing because it was cold? I have no idea.
So following are a few pictures from the archives... I have more and I have better, but some are just too incriminating and most require more digging into my random archival system than I'm prepared to do at this moment... so be happy with these and all the typoes that Im not planning on fixing (I saw at least one).
No northern pics tonight... Wait for the weekend.
maybe you should open the first patio in YN! screw ur planning job..
11:26 PM
Maybe Jonathan Torrens should stick to telling kids how to make shows like Jonovision
2:32 AM
I'll ship you our patio chair. You'll notice I used the singular form. Fucking landlords. Where's our washer?
4:06 PM
I liked Jonovision. I was liked it too.
9:25 PM
I think you should just open your own Trailer Park and I'll come up and be your assistant park supervisor.
4:39 PM
Ryan, you'd be a shitty assistant trailer park supervisor. You need a gut like mine, and I clearly like Cheesburgers more than you do. Plus, I can use shit-analagoies really well. For example, tomorrow I have to write a shit-exam and then start shit-studying for the shit-disaster that will be my last shit-exams.
(I'm starting to use the preview button, so I don't make retarded posts)
7:48 PM
Trailer park with a patio in it. Well call it the J Torrens Park.
And where is your washer paul?
10:35 PM
Oh, it's still there. It just mysteriously decided to forget the spin cycle, leaving all washed clothes soaking in a pool of their own filth and requiring a good hand-wringing before being tossed into the dryer for an even-longer-than-normal dry cycle. The landlords are well aware of the predicament and promised a new one 2 weeks ago, but I think they're still mad that we only paid them $130 in rent. And got away with it.
Thank god I only have to put up with this shit for like 2 weeks more.
9:35 AM
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