Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Everything is... busy.

Had some guests (friends of friends) visiting from toronto/waterloo. They stayed the week and I got no sleep. Work was difficult as I had to stay awake, and in play I was more than once referred to as the office drunk.

We visited the underbelly of yellowknife, canoed to a houseboat for dinner and drinks (my canoe had a hole in it) and saw the fine way of life offered by a squatter shack, and in between drank much beer. In between all this I played some slopitch, had the first party at my new place (apparently it takes me 6 months to know enough people for this to be possible) and managed to get to work each and every morning except for monday when i slept in.

I spent a couple hours at work in a boat driving around doing a site visit along a shoreline. Not the worst way to spend an afternoon. Maybe ill find some pics worth posting from that later, but no pics from the past week unfortuntately for you.

This week will see the end of my solitary existence as my roomate arrives from way down south. It shall also doubtless herald a new existence of professional insanity which I will welcome with open arms. But Ill soon need a vacation so I may go to greece... if anyone knows how to get there cheap from here, let me know.

The weather has taken a turn for the cloudy and mildly cool. It will be nice to see the stars and get some night time whenever that happens so i can actually sleep (which I no longer really do)... unfortunately, darkness = winter - so, I'd rather stay awake.

But now I go to sleep, its late.


Blogger Jason said...

Say hello to Mark for me!

3:09 AM

Blogger Ryan Paquet said...


It might just be good, I liked the trailer.


10:23 PM


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