Goddamn Nut Panther!
I moved up here to the YK with the expectation of seeing some wild wildlife. Until this weekend my efforts to see a wild animal, get mauled by a bear and pecked by a murder of crows had been largely ignored. While jaunting 'round Frame Lake trail I saw a panther. It ripped across the path ahead of me and dissapeard deathly into the bush and swung murderously up a tree where it waited ready to pounce. I was petrified and confused as I hadn't in my wildest dreams considered that the Wild Canadian Wild Panther had made it this far north. I had always been told in school and found through my own independent research that a panther was a southerly animal and largely enjoyed sunning on rocks and drinking cold margaritas with those little umbrellas. Boy, was I wrong!
You see the Wild Canadian Wild Nut Panther is one of those animals that often defies gravity and expectation. It is also dangerous beyond belief - the worst thing you could do is get between it and a couple of nuts lest it tear your head off and bury it for later. This is the situation i found myself in.
So, now youre probably thinking about how brave I am and that a statue commemmorating my bravery would be a good idea (it is). And, if you were here and I was telling you about this real true factually accurate happening you might ask me: "What did you do next?" Dont worry I'll tell you.
You see I had my trusty bag of Cheetos brand crunchy cheese snack with me (I rarely go anywhere without it) and I put it into action. I cracked open that bag and launched the cheesy goodness found therein into the air. The cheese powder from these tasty orange cheese puffs temporarily blinded the beast and I took the opportunity to take the following photo evidence as proof incontrovertible of my bravery in overcoming the danger of a Wild Nut Panther. Panther and I then spent 47 hours in a staring contest which I clearly won, despite what the panther might tell you - damn its evil eye.
Peace Out!
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