Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I am still back!

Despite non-existant rumours to the contrary, I am still here in Yellowknife. I have returned to work from my vacation and can only hold my breath until the weekend arrives. Havent done much of note since being back except to have some intersting interactions with the local wildlife.

1. Crazy old native lady in a flower patterned dress dancing in a drunken traditional fashion and talking gibberish to me as I tried to walk by down by the Gold Range.
2. Outside the Gold Range building as Mark and I were trying to go in, she grabbed us both and tried to drag us to the Balck Night. After prying ourselves from her grubby grasp, we had a conversation that was absolutely nonsensical. At one point during a lull in our 1.5 minute conversation she grabbed her nipples started turning in circles and stated that "these nipples had never danced in the territories". It was at this point that I got a little too weirded out and went into the bar to listen to some of themost cliched country music ever - and boy, was it good.

Its not all parties and drunken/drugged people. There's a lot of normal and super things up here, and i shouldnt leave you with a bad impression if i have - so dont have one.

As for pictures, here are some from Greece that I got developed since the last post - nothing from up here.

Here's some news from the north LINK.

Have at 'er.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so many inappropriate jokes sprang to mind after reading that news article. But due to the public nature of this blog, I shall not post them. Ben, I just want you to know I was thinking them though. I'm sure you can figure a few of them out.

2:11 PM


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