What eats your garbage?
So, in Ontario we are plagued by racoons. Here it would seem that the racoons have given way to foxes. Behind my apartment building there is a dumpster, and behind that dumpster is a hill (really a large pile of rocks) and on that hill lives a pair of foxes. I see them on the way home from work at night or if Im out walking. I have named them Fox1 and Fox2 (I was thinking Jack and Jill but thats lame, and its lame enough that I named them - cant cross the lame threshold).
There will someday be pictures of Fox1 and Fox2 on this blog as they in part live off the garbage in my dumpster - so plenty of opportunities to photograph them, plus I am going to train them to do tricks (like run away, steal food, and eat mice). All I need is some daylight (which is in short supply up here). Here's a story that a friend of mine co-incidentally enough emailed to me today about foxes in Yellowknife: http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/01/20/nwt-fox20060120.html - its short.
One work of week done - infinite to go. I was taken to my inaugural city-paid-for lunch today... and the joke was made that that's the last thing I have to look forward to until my free retirement lunch - a joke I hope. I started work on some housing study and I am likely to be the resident GIS expert until the Geomatics person gets back from maternity leave in 1 yr.
I actually got out of work an hour early today because the power went out at 4pm - ok by me. It was fun because my office has no windows (sadly enough I never see the sunlight except for lunch hours) and so I sat in the pitch dark for 5 minutes until the emergency lights came on and then we all got sent home.
The City runs on a hydroelectric damn and is supplemented by some diesel generators. The power has now gone off twice while ive been here. It gets cold and quiet when that happens.
My biggest gripe is with the moving company who STILL has not delivered my stuff. I think that this is a game they play - they bet on when their clients will freak out about their crap and then suddenly the shipment magically "arrives" and someone wins the pot (I have 20$ on me lasting another week). I now am hoping that they have lost my crap and pay me the $50,000 insurance which I will spend on underwear and warm socks no doubt. They now tell me it will be here on monday (probably). Ill believe it when I see it.
Yesterday I went and bought a chair so I wouldnt have to stand all the time at my apartment - i was getting tired. This weekend I am looking for a cheap couch - an impossibility I am coming to think. This town is where big expensive couches go to die. I dont know where all the cheap ones go, but its not here.
This is becoming a long post... peace out (N. Dynamite style), im done here.
Fox 1 and Fox 2...sounds like you're firing missiles.
1:40 PM
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