Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

What the crap?

Last night I did as I try to do every weekend - went to a new bar. I went to the Raven Pub. I have yet to find a place where I am not the youngest person... At 1030pm this place had about 12 people in it, an empty dance floor and a bored looking bouncer. After having the obligatory 1 beer there I went to the gold range for a second time since I got here. Nothing cool to report this time - a decent rock band, chairs and tables older than me, 6 dollar beers, and more than its fair share of drunken natives pretty much sums it up.

So today, full of excitement and expectation, I drove a half hour out of town to the middle of nowhere and got out of the jeep. I strapped on my new snowshoes and off I went. Promtly sinking into snow up to my ass! You see these snowshoes, rated to 200lbs, don't work worth the wood they're made of. In fact if they werent so expensive I'd have made a mini bonfire with them and taken my revenge. So, to get to the point, I did not manage to go snowshoeing today and only took one crappy picture. So now having arrived home I am thoroughly discouraged and am going to do laundry, eat, and watch crappy tv. I'll try again next week with bigger snowshoes after I return these. On the plus side, after examining my receipt, crappy tire never charged me for the skipoles.... smoothes my ruffled feathers that does.


Blogger A. Rae said...

Six bucks for a beer...? Oh wait, that's Canadian dollars. I was going to say...but you DO get more bang for your buck with Canadian beer. Makes ours seem like Kool-Aid.


P.S. Sorry about your snow shoes. My dad used to trek around the shelterbelts in his Bob Mackie snow shoes. He loved them.

2:05 PM

Blogger A. Rae said...

Six bucks for a beer...? Oh wait, that's Canadian dollars. I was going to say...but you DO get more bang for your buck with Canadian beer. Makes ours seem like Kool-Aid.


P.S. Sorry about your snow shoes. My dad used to trek around the shelterbelts in his Bob Mackie snow shoes. He loved them.

2:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe... I'm sure if you wait around long enough someone younger than you will show up in one of those bars!

You mean you don't even have a legit sports/outdoors store up there, or has snowmobiling really taken over as THE winter pasttime as you implied in one of your earlier postings?

10:18 PM

Blogger NorthofYou said...

IT should be like 4.00 a beer!! Its an outrage - at least im outraged.

Yeah theres an outfitting store here.... i just refuse to pay 300$ for snowshoes. Every affluent person has a snowmobile (or a 'skidoo' as theyre properly called - ya can't go skidooin' on a snowmobile)but they run about 10-15000$.... so i dont see the point.

7:24 PM

Blogger A. Rae said...

I always used to call them "snowcats", but then some folks get all sorts of upset and insist the damn things are called "snow machines". Snow mobile, snow cat, snow machine, Ski-Doo...all euphemisms for "Poor-suspension vehicular devices that people will use even when there is no snow because they paid too damn much for them".

11:25 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Haven't I taught you? If you don't want to pay for something, scheme another way to get it. Go whack-a-seal and barter it for snowshoes and/or beverages.

9:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ben
Seems like we are one extreme to the other- you in the snow me in the sand. Good to hear fromn you and glad you are doing well- and forget the snowshoes go buy a snowmobile.
Speak soon,

10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a seal ... har-dee-har. In Barrie, it's a snow machine - they fellow whose old office I now occupy sold his "snow machine" in advance of the arrival of his first-born son.

When the day comes, he will be buying his firstborn a child's snow machine ... apparently, Arctic Cat used to make them and marketed them as, get this, Kiddie Cats. (Like here kitty kitty). Get it? Har-dee-har.

I'm fall over exhausted and keep making spelling errors.

8:54 PM


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