YK Houseboat dweller and a canoe video
Just found this video. I've been to this particular houseboat before - the one on the barge. Not sure its the lifestyle for me or how you get home at 4am from the bar and chinese food. It's worth a look.
Accounts of living in Yellowknife (a work in progress, this site and my life)
Just found this video. I've been to this particular houseboat before - the one on the barge. Not sure its the lifestyle for me or how you get home at 4am from the bar and chinese food. It's worth a look.
Its really cold lately. Not colder, but with the increasing light I am ready for summer. Here are some pictures to slake your ravenous thirst for knowledge of my doings. No more bruce willis, for now.
Just a tree next to a rock.
This is also just a tree.
Here there are no trees cause its the ice road from Dettah to Yellowknife. Friggin cold.