Isnt it supposed to be cold up here?
Its been a long week and a seemingly longer weekend. The weather has been absolutely perfect lately. Mid to high 20Cs and sunny. Just now its starting to storm - lots of thunder and lightning strikes. Its raining so hard that visibility is about 50 metres.... some sort of gale. At times the weather here is very unpredictable.
Thigs to note:
1. My roomate mark arrived a week and a half ago. When not working we have been tearing up the town and on weekend days heading out to the lakes/rivers as the weather has been hot. Now im sorta sunburnt, definitely tired and in need of sleep and a week of work to recover from this weekend.
The gold range has come to be one of the most interesting places (bars) in town.... the crowd there is something unreal. Every time you go there you are guaranteed to see someone who is so weird that you laugh uncontrollably. For instance, the 40-45 yr old guy with the mullet, handlebar moustache, #85 football jersey tucked into white jean cutt-offs with no belt.
2. Dingys are fun. Bought some inflatable Crappy Tire 10$ special dingys and have been lounging in long lake in them.
3. Spent all this years savings on a trip to greece, not that i have any savings.... i have about 8 different carriers to get me there for all my flights. I will be spending a day in Calgary on the 22nd from 1030am to 1159pm when my flight departs for frankfurt where i will spend a night before heading to crete (jesse and ryan ill be emailing you about this calgary layover) . I will also be spending 2 nights in toronto on the return. I anticipate that as this is a rarity everyone i know should be on hand for the celebration. But, be warned that by the time I arrive there after the 2 weeks in greece I will be jetlagged, have had too much ouzo, be suffering from sunstroke, broke and probably just wanting to go home.
Bright and bushy tailed i will not be, but i will see you on the evening of the 24th and 25th, and morning of the 26th in toronto. I fully intend to mooch off of everyone there. Open up your kitchens, couches, wallets and liquor cabinets. I will send an email about this sometime in the coming weeks.
4. My DVD player just committed suicide. I cant get my movie out of it so will be attacking it with a screwdriver and a hammer to make an example out of it for any future dvd players i may own.
5. Im still really tired and am going to stop writing now. Go look at pictures.